Sunday, December 19, 2010

Today's Flowers; Callistemon/Bottlebrush;

Callistemon Violacea;

Callistemon...from Greek kalos; beautiful and stemon; stamens.

Pictures TS from my garden; please click...

Although one of the older Callistemon cultivars, Callistemon 'Violaceus' is typical of some of the excellent, colourful bottlebrush cultivars and hybrids that have become available in recent years. Similar cultivars include 'Purple Splendour', 'Purple Cloud' and 'Mauve Mist'. All of these form dense, bushy shrubs 2-3 metres tall by a similar spread, producing yellow-tipped purple brushes in mid to late spring (October to November). They are hardy shrubs which will withstand at least moderate frost and which flower best in a sunny position.
Like most Callistemon cultivars, C.'Violaceus' produces viable seed which germinates easily. However, because of seedling variation, any plants produced from this seed will not be identical to the parent plant and cannot be called 'Violaceus'. Plants produced from cuttings (which usually strike readily) will produce genetically identical plants to the parent.
Many callistemons can tolerate less than perfect drainage but usually perform best in gardens with reasonable drainage and regular availability of water. Callistemons respond well to annual fertilising after flowering and are not as sensitive as some other Australian plants to phosphorus.

Please visit Today's Flowers

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Today's Flowers; Pond flowers;

Please click the pictures;

Pickerel Rush; Pondeteria cordata.

This is a very pretty plant for your pond. Easy and freely flowering.

The Pickerel Rush, also known as Pickerel Weed, Pickerelweed, and Wampee,
is named after the Italian botanist, Giulio Pondeteria.
Shiny, green, spear-shaped foliage with distinctive swirling send up spikes of soft blue flowers, reaching 18 to 24" tall, or slightly more. The flower spikes grow from leaf bracts at the top of stems. The plant adapts from very shallow water to depths of up to 18".
Plant the Pickerel Rush in a 5-gallon or larger pot to accommodate strong and plump roots. The pot should be placed in sun to part shade, and the plant will bloom in late spring through early autumn. Divide plants in spring while pruning away the rotting portions from the previous year. Stolon cuttings may be taken in summer and started, or a new plant may be started from fresh seeds collected in late summer and planted. Zones 4-11.

Please visit Today's Flowers and enjoy!