Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today's Flowers;

For Today's Flowers I want to show some unusual flowers.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

A very tall Canna, over 1.50 m, dark wine red leaves wit satiny soft orange flowers. This Canna does well in a bog situation. It is a graceful, tall Canna.

Globba with its unusual pink and yellow flowers plus dark red foliage looks very exotic. It belongs to the Ginger familie and disappears complety in winter to grow again during the hot summer.
Globba winitii is a tender perennial from Thailand. It forms clumps of mid-green, lance-shaped leaves, which has a heart-shaped base and is slightly hairy underneath.
Blooming Time: July-October. Each stem produces a terminal pendant inflorescence with mauve bracts and yellow flowers.
Culture: Globba winitii needs a well drained, slightly acidic potting mix (1 part peat moss to 2 parts loam to 1 part sand or perlite). Water it abundantly while it is growing actively. Globba needs a minimum night of temperature of 65 degrees and day temperatures of 65 degrees or higher. This plant thrives in at least 50% shade. When night temperatures fall below 65 degrees the plant goes dormant; at this time restrict watering to a minimum of once a week. Repot and divide plant when the growth period begins.

Propagation: Globba winitii is propagated by division or by seed in the spring. Start seed in a mixture of 1 part peat moss to 1 part sand, seeds germinate readily at temperatures of 65 to 72 degrees in about 21 days.

Pretty Euphorbia specie with small pink flowers. It flowers profusely all year round, sets seed which can end up in a new, different plant as it interbreeds with other Euphorbia species.

The exotic looking flower of a Heliconia specie is emerging.

Tall red spikes with tiny yellow flowers of a Bromeliad specie.
Click here for Today's Flowers worldwide.

All photos from my Garden. TS


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed all of your pictutes.
Appreciate the excellent information. Every summer Canna plants grow in our garden to attract Hummingbirds and other insects.
Your Canna is quite beautiful, love the colour.
- Cheers Gisela.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing all these wonderful flowers and the information.

Gill - That British Woman said...

lovely photos, you certainly live in a tropical part of the world.

Gill in Canada

Maria said...

Lovely and exotic! Thanks for showing them!

Andi said...

I love all these exotic blooms! Some we can grow here in New England, like the cannas, just for a short time.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Andi I could not access your blog. Thank you for your comment.

Judy said...

They are exotic! Thanks for the information about the globba! I thought that was the prettiest flower!!

Arija said...

You have such a wealth of tropical splendour!
Somewhere you mentioned a problem with powdery mildew, the simplest most non toxic solution is a spray of 1 part milk, whey or any fluid milk product, to 10 parts of water.
Even a lot of grape growers have opted for this clean green version.

Inkivääri said...

So many beautifull flowers, I thought I know many flowers but Today's flowers has shown me - I don't:) But it's not bad, because I have seen so much beautiful!

Carletta said...

Canna is the only one I'm familiar with.
All of these are very pretty. I like the emerging Heliconia shot - a peek at what's to come.

My Flower post is at Carletta’s Captures.